The reflection

As I was leaving the sanctuary of a little country church recently, this framed sign on the inside of the door caught my eye.

“Servant’s Entrance”

I secretly snapped a photo with my phone as I walked out the door and down the steps. “What a noble reminder,” I mused.

For even the Son of Man came not to be served but to serve others and to give his life as a ransom for many. Mark 10:45

Later when I was looking through my photos, I saw the distortion. At first I felt dismayed. Right in the middle of the lettering was a reflection of the stained glass window behind me as the morning light poured through it into the sanctuary.

And then I saw the whole picture. Our daily lives are to reflect Christ in such a way that it takes the focus off of us and people see Him as the center of it all. Just like the image of the stained glass.

It’s not about how we are serving and what we are doing. It is about the light and the glory of our beautiful Lord Jesus!

As you enter into your day, may you reflect Him by serving others with all of your heart!

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