Ministry Updates

The reflection

As I was leaving the sanctuary of a little country church recently, this framed sign on the inside of the door caught my eye. “Servant’s Entrance” I secretly snapped a photo with my phone as I walked out the door and down the steps. “What a noble reminder,” I mused. For even the Son of…

Through It All

“We live with great expectation, and have a priceless inheritance—an inheritance that is kept in heaven… pure and undefiled, beyond the reach of change and decay. So be truly glad! There is wonderful joy ahead, even though you must endure many trials for a little while. These trials will show that your faith is genuine.…

Stranded In Time

Belong to Eternity but stranded in Time. These are such picturesque words! It is that fragile balance of the “already, but not yet.” His promises are ours now, but there is a Day coming when we will experience them in a richer fullness. For example, Jesus already overcame death through His resurrection. I rejoice for…

A Step Nearer

Heading home from my mom’s the other evening, I found myself flying down a familiar road. It is a gravel road shortcut that I’ve used many times in my life. Trying to multitask, I was on the phone with my sister through the Bluetooth in the car discussing some of Mom’s needs. Suddenly something caught…


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